Satisfaction Guaranteed?

The concept of satisfaction is such a pregnant one that just its definition is an entire write-up on its own I tell you. I’d ask everyone to tell us what it means to them personally but I’m sure most of it would be unprintable, especially from the guys!
Take a mental break for a second and ponder this with me. I know serious thought is an increasingly extinct phenomenon, what with all the various forms of amusement available nowadays, but just try. By the way, did you ever consider the meaning of the word ‘amusement’? “a” is as in ‘not interested in something’ (for instance, someone who doesn’t care about politics is a-political) and to ‘muse’ is to ‘give serious thought’. “a-musement”? You do the math; that’s not even where I’m going.
I was asking you to think about something, namely the issue of satisfaction (note: I use the word here in the sense of contentment). Why is it that too few people are actually satisfied these days? Many make a show of being blissfully happy with their lives but if truth be told how many truly satisfied people do you know? I frankly don’t know very many. The signs are everywhere, from the gross to the seemingly harmless - more drug addicts than ever, people changing partners like underwear, little kids getting violent, new heights of sexual perversion (or self expression if you like!), more video games and all sorts of stuff really. I’m sure there is a plethora of social explanations for this but I’ll discuss the one I consider most important (as na me get page now?).
Simply put, I believe the problem is one of unrealistic expectations. Ours is probably the era of history in which materialism is most central to the culture of the day and because so many are so desperately clueless as to the meaning of life we place great store by the mundane. When day shows it forth as empty, instead of trying a different approach we just increase the dosage. The logic beats me too. Isn’t it funny that it took a global recession for Wall Street’s bankers – educated in the most elite business schools in the world - to know that avoiding debt involves simply living within your means? Now, I’m wondering why my parents didn’t become ‘financial consultants’ or ‘development economists’!
You know how it’s been said that all that glitters isn’t gold yeah? Well some of us just don’t get it. We actually think we’ll be happy if we get that job, accomplishment or girl/guy etc. Please be careful what you ask for because you may get it and then you’ll be sorry you got it. All we know is that the taste of the pudding is in the eating but we don’t know what that taste is do we? It is human nature to always want more so no matter whom/what you have it can never in/and of itself satisfy you.
Contentment is not in any material possession or human achievement/accomplishment (and I hope you don’t think I’m saying there is anything wrong with ambition). Rather it is a state of mind, a conscious decision to be grateful for what you have no matter how little or much that is.
Unfortunately many are hard of hearing. If therefore you insist on finding fulfilment in the peripheral, go ahead then and nail smoke to the wall. I most sincerely wish you a speedy recovery from when you crash land.


  1. Thanx alot brother...your writings are always an inspiration and you always help me refocus.
    God bless you!!!

  2. shadrach...can't believe your last blog was August 2009....we want more!! - nike
    ps. funny i'm reading this today, i too wish myself speedy recovery from my crash landing...:)

  3. I like sheddy
    great piece.

  4. hmmm! this is full of wisdom and should make sense to anyone with common sense, unfortunately that too is very rare.
    I think the root of discontentment is in comparing oneself with another, celebrities on TV falsely appear like they are at the zenith of happiness, so young people think they would never be happy until they are rubbing shoulders with them. Unfortunately in their mad quest they trample on every faculty of human life that brings real and lasting satisfaction. Of course, your other reference to an endless craving for amusement is another thing I am daily finding to bring more frustration than satisfaction for most. Thanks for sharing Sir.


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